Don’t Overpay: How to Buy a Real Estate Investment Property

Don’t Overpay: How to Buy a Real Estate Investment Property

Finance Your Investment with A Washington Hard Money Loan

Seattle Home prices in the Seattle-metro area are showing signs of leveling off.

But the real estate market is still hot, as the region continues to rank as one of the country’s top move-to destinations.

With competition for housing still tight, how do you make sure you’re getting a deal when purchasing a property for investment purposes?

Here are four important things to look for to ensure a solid return on your real estate investment.

4 Things to Watch For When Buying a Real Estate Investment Property

Quality construction: “You get what you pay for.” You can pay less for a lesser quality property. But the cost of upkeep and maintenance will reduce your return. Well-built homes are worth the greater upfront investment in the long-term.

Property upkeep: A cracked foundation, broken fixtures, missing shingles, and peeling paint all indicate deferred maintenance and can spell trouble. A properly maintained property is a much safer investment than one in clear need of immediate upgrade or repair.

Location: Where a home is located is as important as the structure itself. The neighborhood, surrounding homes, lot size and privacy, and proximity of amenities all contribute to a property’s value.

Layout: A home’s essential floor plan can make or break an investment. Removing a wall here or there is one thing. But a bad overall “traffic flow” – room size, number of rooms, upper and lower floors – can be both costly and difficult to change.

Stay aware of each of these key points in your property search. They can be red flags – as well as helpful negotiating tools.

Found the right property? We Provide Quick-Cash Equity Loans

Timing is a challenge in a competitive real estate market. Finding the right investment property is one thing. Having the financing you need when you need it can be another. Conventional lenders don’t always say yes or move quickly enough. Our Gregory M. Russell private money lender team has worked with investors throughout Washington State for more than 30 years. We know the market and we enjoy providing our lending services in a timely manner to help you meet your investment goals. Give us a call at 1-888-477-0444 to learn about hard money loan options – or use our simple online loan application. Less than perfect credit is not an issue!