Washington hard money lenders make real estate repairs easy!
Here in the Northwest, days are growing shorter and fall is in the air.
Early autumn is a great time for a bit of rental property maintenance to help protect your investment against colder months ahead. Check off quick to do’s now, and save yourself from larger repair costs and hassles on down the line. Your tenants – and your wallet – will be glad you did.
Tackle the following quick and easy investment property maintenance checklist while Washington’s fall weather is still mild:
Property Maintenance Checklist for Early Fall
- Walkways: check all walkways for cracks and loose spots, repair with epoxy
- Siding: pressure wash exterior siding and look for rot or areas in need of repair
- Faucets: replace leaky washers, valves or springs inside and out
- Windows: check seals and caulk or replace where needed
- Chimney: call in a chimney sweep to inspect and clear away soot
- Furnace and filters: change and vacuum filters and vents
- Yard equipment: clean, oil and prep equipment for storage
Most of the above mentioned tasks are DIY. But should you need to call in the pros, keep in mind any extra spent now will be worth it to ensure your property is safe, snug and secure this winter and beyond.
Hard Money Lenders Provide Convenient, Fast Cash
Need a little extra cash for your rental property repairs? We’ve got you covered with a hard money loan. Our Gregory M. Russell hard money lender team provides fast, convenient equity loan services to real estate investors throughout Washington. Give us a call at 1-888-477-0444 to learn more. We look forward to working with you.