When Your House Flip Investment Won’t Sell

When Your House Flip Investment Won’t Sell

Our WA Hard Money Loans Offer Easy Real Estate Financing

You found a great fixer-upper property, beat the odds and won out over other eager investors. You successfully completed renovations and your flip house is on the market.

And now, what was supposed to be a quick turnaround fix and flip investment opportunity is not selling.

What do you do?

The first step is to not panic. Here are ways to ease the anxiety and help ensure your house flip has the best chance of finding a happy buyer.

What to Do When Your Fixer Upper Isn’t Selling

  • The housing market is fluid, both big picture and small scale. What you thought you would or could sell your fix and flip for when you purchased it may not be the reality once renovations are complete. Be sure you have a good understanding of existing national and local housing market conditions. Do you know current interest rates and employment trends? Have you run recent comparables to help you accurately determine your property’s worth? The more informed you are, the better you’ll be able to price your property to sell.
  • First impressions ALWAYS count. You’ve invested time, effort, and money into renovations on the inside. Don’t forget curb appeal. Make sure your flip house looks its best from the outside as well. Bring in fresh sod and seasonal plantings, and keep shrubs and trees neatly trimmed. Add lighting to pathways and porches for safety, security, and a welcoming glow. And remember, buyer interest – or lack of – can come down to the smallest details. Potted seasonal flowers and plants, a freshly painted front door, and a well-kept mailbox all say “welcome home.”
  • It could be that your flip house needs greater exposure. So list it everywhere, from traditional sites like Realtor and Zillow to local options like Nextdoor and Craigslist. Review your listings to ensure the information is comprehensive and correct, and post accurate, appealing photos to attract the attention of buyers.
  • If it seems like potential buyers are consistently uninterested after viewing your fix and flip, consider making minor changes. The most appealing interior will allow buyers to envision themselves in the space. Go neutral with your décor and staging choices. Use wall colors in soft grays or beige and hardware, fixtures, and faucets that are not overly trendy. If rooms are staged or furnished, do so minimally.

If these steps still don’t land a buyer, consider turning your flip house into a rental. Some flippers become attached after investing sweat equity and upgrades into a property and decide to stay put. There are many ways to make your fix and flip work for you financially, both short and long-term.

Meet Your Investment Goals. Call Our Private Money Loan Team Today.

Investing in real estate comes at a risk. But successful house flippers and investors know they can count on fast financing when they need it from our team of trusted Washington hard money lenders.

At Gregory M. Russell, you don’t have to worry about credit issues or employment history when applying for funding. We make it easy with our direct, equity-based loans. Paperwork is minimal, and you can have money to finance your fix and flip project within just ten days. Call us to get started at 1-888-477-0444 or complete our short and simple online loan request form. We look forward to working with you!


Thanks so much for taking the time to read our blog. We have enjoyed bringing our shared experience in private money lending and the real estate industry to our work with investors throughout the Northwest for over three decades. We live in beautiful Southern Oregon, but consider Washington and Idaho, where we also provide our hard money loan services, our second homes!
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Greg & Rachel
Gregory M. Russell Hard Money Lender

Rachel and Greg Russell, Hard Money Lenders